Associate Professor of English
PhD, University of Miami
MA, University College Dublin, Ireland BA, University of Washington About
Dr. Devine teaches modern British and Irish literature, Literary Theory, LGBTQ+ Literature, and College Writing. His research interests focus the manuscripts of modern Irish authors, primarily James Joyce. He launched The John Quinn Lecture Series in 2020, and is the Editor-in-Chief of The Rock Creek Review, Heidelberg's international journal of undergraduate literary research. Expertise James Joyce, Irish Modernism, Manuscript Studies, Irish Studies
The pre-publication evolution of modernist Irish texts, revision practices, transatlantic modernism, medical humanities. Latest Publication The Cambridge Centenary Ulysses: The 1922 Text with Essays and Notes (2022). Ed. Catherine Flynn. |
![]() Contact
Barry Devine
Pfleiderer Hall 303
(419) 448-2047
bdevine [at]